Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Laptop will not turn on?

Have you ever had a laptop that will not turn on? when a job is waiting, when I want to turn on the laptop, the laptop was actually yours will not turn on at all. Whereas before, a laptop you can still be turned on. Faced with these conditions, you may be confused, shocked and panicked. But you need not worry, there are ways you can do to try to revive your laptop.When the laptop is yours suddenly will not turn on, there are several ways you can try to do to try to revive it.If you try to turn on the laptop using the charger cable (instead of battery), make sure that your laptop charger is securely connected to your laptop or to a wall socket. Make sure the charger is connected not loose and went perfectly.If your laptop charger is connected to the surge protector, make sure the surge protectornya been lit.If your laptop is still not lit, try to plug the charger in another outlet.If after trying the above methods but the laptop still can not burn you, you do not need to panic you. Still there is one more way that you can try, that is by doing 'power-reset'. Power reset is useful for deciding any electric current that causes the laptop you can not very well lit. To be able to do 'power-reset' you can follow the steps below.Remove the laptop battery and unplug the charger from the place of your laptop.Press and hold the power button on your laptop for 30 seconds, then release.Plug the charger into the laptop back, replace the laptop battery in place. Once everything is installed, try turning your laptop again.'ve Tried all the ways above, but the laptop you still can not turn on? If so, then immediately you take your laptop to the nearest service, recommended for those of you who have a laptop that is still under warranty to bring it to the place where you bought the laptop, or bring it to the appropriate center secvice branded laptop.

overcome the error Laptop touchpad

two days ago my Uncle brought home his favorite netbooks, "what ya, would ya daproblem .. 'guman in my heart. bener ehh ... "bud netbook touchpad me why ya ga mawroad? complained om me, "well if you can dunk the road can be dangerous! could maeneverywhere .. My answer selengekan, hehehe ... "fucking lu .. he grumbled. "Ywdah lookhere" .. I said .. "if you can eat your favorite treats om deh" ku ... om said. "Deal" I said.

The first step I do is go to the control panel of windows and open a menu of printers and other hardware

The second step menu to open the hardware mouse and mouse properties dialog appears

The third step was to check the status of the hardware buttons, there are two hardware firstoptical mouse that I use an external mouse ato aka optical mouse .. ga it's touchpadfunctions? and the other is its touchpad hardware got there it was detected as a ps / 2Synaptics mouse. on its status divice, the optical mouse, windows says "the hardware isworking properly while in p2/synaptics mouse, windows says," windows can not initializingthe hardware ... This wah ya its guman my mother ...

The fourth step after windows can not find initializing the hardware I immediately thoughtsurely lead driver .. ni ya wah .. directly wrote in a hardware device to the next tab in the right corner just so happens that brought on the manufacturer to include a link. after internet connected go to the link, the Acer Aspire one netbook type has its om my manufacturer ofsynaptic touchpad that can be in looking at www.synaptics.com.

once downloaded and installed .. tadaa touch pad is able to function again .. tuh it! how yanow living his promise? My dancer .. "Calm" .. om my words .. "eat mo where the mostdelicious" ... he added

hahaha "(laughing together).

Webcam Not Function

as we know it today already include laptop webcam, every laptop would have a lot of the installed webcam is usually located just above the screen of your laptop. but do you know ifthe webcam is also widely troubleshootnya, for example, yesterday my friend just bought a laptop that his preinstaled aka non os os. My friend nyoba fitting installed the webcamimage turned upside-down position. well here we try to find the solution begins with the installation of the webcam drivers, yes, despite being given the inherent cd driverapparently it does not guarantee the proof you know many times I try to reinstall thewebcam driver was still upside down, eventually with a bit of desperation I tried to entertoshiba official website (it's happened to my friend laptop toshiba brand) to download the driver and the result immediately sip, webcamnya normal, the picture is not upside down.so the core drivers for the webcam also be fitted with devices webcamnya.
trus there is also another problem with the webcam that looks blank, the first fitting I stillwonder, I think is just right driver but still blank, it turns out there are problems in theshortcut webcam, disable webcamnya status and to his right mengenable press fn + F10(each series must be different shortcut) good luck hopefully msalah your laptop webcamcan also be resolved.
good luck

Keyboard Not working 1 or more letters

Yesterday my friend came to the house asking for help because his laptop keyboardsuddenly not working but that is only one letter del button. some people would sentence himto be replaced, but for me this is a challenge. I just try to dismantle the keyboard, I pretelibuttons one by one and then I try to clean every sidelines of her, and thank God it worked,so the point you make has ever experienced anything like this do not always have toreplace the keyboard dizziness, let alone clean it first, who knows efficacious. exception if it's in preteli still or even more new ancur replaced. oh yes do not forget, I do not recommend this to a laptop that is still under warranty because it can scorch the warranty status of your laptop.
Good luck.

Definition of General Computer

Definition of General ComputerComputer or Computer is a tool used to process the data according to procedures that have been formulated. Word computer originally used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or without a walker, but the meaning of this word is then transferred to the machine itself. Originally, the processing of information is almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.In the sense that there are tools such as slide rules, mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on, until all the contemporary electronic computers. The term better suited for a broad sense such as "computer" is "information processing" or "information processing systems." Over the years there have been several different meanings in the word "computer", and several different words are now called called a computer.The word computer once commonly used to define people who perform arithmetic calculations, with or without auxiliary engine. According to the Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology, the word is used in English in 1646 as the word for "people who count" then before 1897 are also used as a "mechanical calculators". During World War II, the word refers to the workers of the United States and British women who work to calculate the path of artillery warfare with the machine count.Charles Babbage designed one of the first calculating machine called the analytical engine. In addition, a variety of simple machine tools such as slide rule also has to be said as a computer.Nevertheless, the above definition includes many specialized tools that can only account for one or several functions. When considering modern computers, their most important properties that distinguish them from earlier computing devices is that, with proper programming, any computer can emulate any nature (although limited by storage capacity and speed are different), and, indeed believed that the machine can now mimic the computing devices we invent the future (although slower). In a sense, these limits is a useful test for the computer to recognize "common purpose" of special-purpose devices early. The definition of "general intent" can be formulated into a requirement that a machine must be able to emulate a universal Turing machine. Machines that this definition is known as a Turing-complete, and that they first appeared in 1940 in the midst of developments around the world.
Types of computers
1. Analog computer2. Computers pulse3. Microcomputer· Computer (home computer)· The personal computer (PC)· Server4. Minicomputer5. Mainframe computers6. Supercomputers
How computers workWhile the technologies used in digital computers have changed dramatically since the first computers in the 1940s (see History of the hardware count for more detail), most still use the von Neumann architecture, which was proposed in the early 1940s by John von Neumann .Von Neumann architecture describes a computer with four main sections: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), control unit, memory, and input and output devices (collectively termed I / O). This section is connected by a wire beam, "bus"

Source Wikipedia with Translate Google


I would like to introduce myself earlier. Born in a small town in western Java I try to share my experience as a computer technician, but I admit maybe my experience is still moreinteresting than the experience of all bloggers. I have a saying that you are as smart as anyscience is useless if you do not share. I look forward to your participation in the development of this blog your suggestions are very helpful for me.
Let's get started